Ready meals
The veggie ready meal section in Waitrose. Without exception each has a plastic tray or panel.
Interestingly the frozen section has plenty of choice in simply packaged products. We like the plastic panel on fresh products?
In the week newspapers are generally OK but at the weekend the food/environment pullouts must come in a plastic bag for convenience.
Precious Plastic
Small scale plastic processing kits. The future!
We’re fortunate enough to have a good supply in Brighton so it’s difficult to justify bottled water. But it is of course treated. If you’re concerned about chlorination for general consumption or home baking then it can be left to stand or boiled.
Infinity Foods stock Life refillable bottles if you’d rather have mineral water: “which is sourced from springs on certified organic land in Pembrokeshire.”
For some bottle facts see Ban the Bottle. And see how Southern Water treat what comes out of our taps.
I remember when everything around here was sealed in small claustrophobic boxes
Before long all you see is plastic. Equal-portioned high-carbon footprint produce condemned to a petrochemical tomb. As nature intended.
Trash is for tossers
Great dinner and chat with zero waste luminaries Douglas McMaster (Silo Brighton), Tom Griffiths (Flank) and Lauren Singer.